Independent commercial real estate advice

Real Estate Finance

Recent transactions include:

          • Advisory services including real estate finance systems review and development to a leading provider of real estate data and MIS – ongoing
          • Assisted a UK REIT in raising £83 million, August 2012
          • £150 million facility for a UK REIT, March 2012
          • Advised a small developer on raising £5 million for a residential development, February 2012
          • £150 million facility for a UK REIT, January 2012
          • Advised a major insurance company on setting up a real estate debt platform in Europe, December 2011*
          • Research Paper on behalf of the IPF and APB ” Outlook for Development Finance in the UK”, October 2011 ; download available below


          • £175 million Convertible Bond for a UK REIT, June 2011


*This project was undertaken in partnership with SOLO&Partners Ltd

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