Independent commercial real estate advice

Real Estate Finance

Our services cover both corporate and SPV finance including:

  • Development finance
  • Investment finance
  • Bi-lateral, club and syndicated transactions
  • Senior, mezzanine and preferred equity
  • CMBS
  • Fixed income bonds, floating rate bonds,  convertible bonds and retail bonds
  • Distressed debt

A summary of those services includes:

  • Detailed review of client’s requirements
  • Financial modelling
  • Proposed financing strategy
  • Draft preferred heads of terms for borrower
  • Select a panel of prospective lenders and manage the competitive tendering process
  • Negotiate final heads of terms
  • Manage and negotiate the documentation process
  • Liaise with lenders, lawyers, valuers, accountants, rating agencies and other stakeholders as appropriate
  • Co-ordinate due diligence process
  • Provide hedging support for financing transactions as required
  • Co-ordinate/prepare documentary support for institutional road shows and investor calls
  • Manage the pricing and closing process including closing cash flows
  • Ensure a detailed handover to client’s in-house function
© EMJS Consulting Limited 2013
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